Support Us
Your contribution supports the future of NYC.
hackNY couldn't exist without your support. By contributing to hackNY, you support our summer Fellowship program for talented and diverse students from all over the country.
Thank you to our monthly donors
Randall Hunt
Class of 2011
"hackNY jumpstarted my career. A random kid from western North Carolina, I got transported to the center of the NY tech community and given unfettered access to a whole new world of opportunity. The blend of hands-on-keyboard practical experience, networking with socially-conscious technologists, and camaraderie among fellows was unparalleled. The connections made, skills honed, and values instilled during my time in the 2011 fellowship program were pivotal in my career and in my life. I would never be where I am today without hackNY. I strongly urge everyone to donate and support hackNY in molding the next generation of responsible tech leaders in NYC."
Claire Durand
Class of 2016
"Looking back on it, so much of my career so far has depended on my participation in hackNY. My life would not be what it is today without hackNY and I feel that it's my turn to give back so that hackNY can transform more lives."
Daria Jung
Class of 2013
“Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate only more what an amazing gift hackNY was for me, both on a personal and professional level. I met my now husband through hackNY, I have found career opportunities through this incredible network.”
Gloria Zhu
Class of 2024
“I donate to hackNY monthly to give back to the community that gave so much to me!.”
Hank Shen
Class of 2019
“I support hackNY because hackNY has provided a great community, career advice, and fun times for me. I want other people to have the same opportunity that I had to join this amazing community.”
Teresa Mondría Terol
Class of 2024
“HackNY has been my entry door to tech in NY, and I couldn’t have imagined all the opportunities unleashed after being a fellow.”
Emma Tung
Class of 2023
“Thank you hackNY for giving me the best summer experience and introduction to living in NYC! The alumNY community is amazing!!!”
Alan Lin
Class of 2013
hackNY played a huge role in shaping my early interest in technology. I absolutely fell in love with programming through the hackNY hackathons and the summer fellowship and I'm proud to be a supporter of this mission!
Michelle Li
Class of 2023
"I'd happily sacrifice two bobas a month if that means supporting hackNY."
We love our volunteers
Sakib Jalal
Class of 2016
Sakib is from the Class of 2016 and is currently Admissions Director at hackNY. Sakib graduated from Rutgers University and has worked as an SRE at Facebook MPK and now MongoDB NYC. He has a max main on Old School Runescape and platinum on all Soulsborne games. He’s now reading Journey to the West and playing FFXIV.
Emma Tung
Class of 2023
Emma Tung is a recent computer science graduate and former hackNY fellow (2023). Originally a Texas native, Emma moved to NYC after college graduation and is now a Software Engineer at Atlassian. At hackNY, she volunteers by creating and managing content on the hackNY Instagram account as well as reviews applications and interview applicants. In her personal life, Emma likes to travel, try new foods, stay active, and watch Broadway shows.
Ray Berger
Class of 2018
Ray is currently completing the 4CITIES MSc in Urban Studies at the Free University of Brussels. Previously he was a machine learning engineer at the New York Times. When not in school or working he can be found contributing to Wikipedia, Open Library, Open Street Maps, and various open source projects. Ray leads hackNY’s housing team.
Ha Pham
Class of 2024
Ha Pham is a junior studying Cognitive and Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania and is a ‘24 fellow. She is helping out with admissions after having a great time last summer. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, hanging out with her friends’ on-campus pets, and trying new cuisine.
Harrison Liddiard
Class of 2015
Harrison is a software engineer turned product manager with a passion for improving financial services access, healthcare, education, transportation, and journalism. He enjoys working across disciplines to build practical products users love. Harrison helps manage the hackNY website in addition to mentoring the class of 2024.
For crypto, stock or in-kind donations, please reach out to info@hackNY.org.
hackNY is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes.