Become a hackNY Fellow!

The hackNY Fellows Program is a co-living experience for full-time tech interns working in New York City. Through our summer program, fellows gain invaluable industry insights, form lifelong connections, and develop the skills to become responsible leaders.

Students accepted to the program enjoy:

  • Subsidized housing at NYU for the 10-week program

  • An after-work Speaker Series featuring leaders in technology and civics

  • 1:1 mentorship from program alumni

  • Weekend social activities with your fellows and the alumNY network

hackNY isn't just about building coding skills. We help create tech leaders who think about the bigger picture and shape a more responsible tech industry.

Build Community

We believe that a committed group of technologists can change the tech industry for the better, from the inside out. And, there is no better place to form a lasting community and find opportunity than in the heart of NYC. 

Be Inclusive

We believe in helping underrepresented technologists to break into tech, get their first jobs, and advance in their careers – all while feeling like they belong.

Empower Responsible Leaders

We believe in giving technologists the confidence and experience to use tech for good in their careers and build a more just tech industry. We achieve this by partnering with responsibly-run startups, offering projects to help charities with tech challenges, and providing speaker events and mentorship that focus on responsible leadership in tech.

Program details

  • Housing

    hackNY fellows live together for the summer at NYU’s Othmer Hall in Downtown Brooklyn with nearby access to several subway lines. Co-living gives fellows opportunities to share internship experiences, form friendships, and contribute ideas among a diverse group of peers.

    Housing is apartment-style. Fellows are assigned roommates based on lifestyle preferences.

  • Speaker Series

    From tech founders to nonprofit directors and government officials, hackNY’s Speaker Series offers one-in-a-lifetime opportunities to meet and learn from accomplished leaders. Our curated lineup focuses on people who embody our commitment to socially responsible tech so fellows gain insight not only from successful entrepreneurs, but those who are mindful of tech's impact on society.

    These after-work talks are private to hackNY fellows and typically held in the offices of the speaker’s company or organization. Speaker Series includes catered dinner and time for Q&A with the speaker. Check out some of our recent past speakers.

  • Mentorship

    Former fellows (known as “alumNY”), apply and return as mentors. Mentors live in summer housing alongside fellows to help navigate summer internships, offer career advice, and ensure fellows’ summer experience is awesome. 

    Not sure how to set yourself up for a return offer? Questions about what to do in NYC? Suggestions for speakers or activities? Mentors are there to help. Each fellow is paired with their own mentor for 1:1 chats throughout the summer.

  • Social Activities

    In addition to weekday Speaker Series talks, the fellowship includes weekend activities designed to get to know both your summer class and the vast alumNY network while exploring the city. Fellows are also encouraged to self-organize events!

    Every summer concludes with the annual hackNY demo day. All of our alumNY, including folks from the original hackNY class of 2010, come back to cheer you as you showcase everything you've learned over the summer.

I wanted a place to learn how to use tech for social good, meet other people in tech, and have fun with it. All of those things were satisfied. I also wanted to make sure that even if I didn't have much of a community with the interns I was working with, that I had one in hackNY. That is what happened, and I'm really happy hackNY was able to allow me to grow technically as well as socially.

Gloria Zhu, hackNY '24

Am I eligible?

hackNY is committed to accepting a diverse group of technologists from all backgrounds.

You are eligible to apply to the hackNY Fellows Program if:

  • You are currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate university student.

  • You are able to pay the program fee to cover housing and program expenses (details below).

  • You become accepted to a paid internship at a U.S. tech company for the summer of 2025 that allows you to work from New York City.

    • You can apply to hackNY without an internship, but official acceptance is contingent upon having secured an internship before the start of the fellowship program.

    • You are able to live in hackNY’s housing in NYC for the summer program dates: May 26 – Aug 1, 2025. We can make exceptions if your school year ends later than the start of the program.

    • Companies at which fellows accept internships must broadly align with hackNY’s social-good values. Companies that support unethical business practices including but not limited to warfare, environmental destruction, mass surveillance, and other misuses of technology may be ineligible. Questions about a particular company? Reach out to us

    • Note: We can help match a limited number of applicants without secured internships with our portfolio companies but cannot guarantee placement. Email us at for details.

[hackNY provided the] opportunity to have conversations in real life that you couldn't have otherwise. Like these couldn't have been a series of videos on YouTube. Being able to get people's personal stories, hearing their journeys, hearing their mistakes – all of that was great.

Teresa Mondria, hackNY '24

Program Cost

hackNY’s program fee is $5,300 USD for the entire 10-week summer program. The fee covers all of the above including housing, speaker series, and events. Housing is subsidized below market rate.

Please note this number is an estimate because we’re always trying to reduce fellows’ cost to participate. We offer limited financial assistance to those who feel like they’d be a good fit for hackNY but are unable to afford the program cost. Reach out to us for details.

This summer was life-changing (even though it sounds cliché). I achieved all of my summer goals. Changed the trajectory of my life. HackNY was the tech community I was missing. I loved the time I spent learning and having fun with all my roommates. They’ll be lifelong friends.

Robert Sunderhaft, hackNY '24

Application Timeline

The Fellows Program is organized every summer, with a rolling admission cycle that opens every every fall. Applications are due November 11th, 2024 for early admissions and January 13th, 2025 for our final deadline for the class of 2025.

Apply now for the Summer 2025 fellowship