Application Spotlight: Gloria
As October comes to a close, I still can’t get over my incredible experience as a hackNY fellow during the summer of 2024! With the 2025 applications now open, I know many of you may be wondering what makes a strong hackNY application. While there’s no exact formula, showcasing your desire to make a meaningful impact with technology—along with your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with other passionate fellows—can really set you apart.
I hope sharing my final application, which got me into the 2024 class, will be helpful. Good luck!

One of the Best Summers Ever: My HackNY Fellowship Experience
This summer was probably one of the best I’ve ever had, and a lot of it is due to HackNY. It was a summer full of adventure (and work), all in the most magical city in the world—New York City. In this blog post, I’ll talk a bit about my application process, summer fellowship experience, internship highlights, and all the cool things I did throughout the summer!

My hackNY Adventure
Hi there, I'm Allison, a rising Senior at University of Texas at Dallas, and I want to share my summer 2024 with HackNY!

Reflecting on the 2024 hackNY Fellowship
Another incredible hackNY summer has come to a close. We recently bid farewell to our Class of 2024 Fellows, a remarkable group of students who brought energy, innovation, and a global perspective to our 15th year of the program.

Announcing the Class of 2024 hackNY Fellows!
This Fellowship of 20 students comes from 17 universities, spread out all over the world! They are a diverse and talented group with strong ideas about the future of tech. Our Fellows are interning at 18 local companies this summer and learning everything they can about New York’s tech scene.