Spring 2017 hackathon recap

hackny collage

This past weekend, hackNY held its 15th hackathon! During our Spring 2017 hackathon, we welcomed 275 hackers at the NYU Courant Institute. They built apps that help you check your workout pose - before you wreck your pose, crowdsourced a solution to the dearth of feminine hygiene products in homeless shelters, created extensions to help detect email phishing scams, and much more!
After mentors from MongoDB, Twilio, Clarifai, JW Player, and the NY Times demoed their APIs during opening ceremonies, Sam Agnew lead a workshop on getting started with APIs and web development in Python, which was followed by Lesley Cordero's Intro to Geospatial Analysis. To unwind, hackers could join the MLH Werewolf game, and women could attend the traditional Ladies Storm Hackathons meetup to enjoy cupcakes and some Quiplash.
In addition to cupcakes and snacks, attendees enjoyed food from Perfect Picnic, Inday, Veselka's, and Vanessa's Dumplings. Thanks to Insomnia Cookies and MatchaBar, we offered cookies and tea alongside our hackathon Tshirts for our midnight surprise! We also welcomed the traditional King Kolaches for breakfast on Sunday.

Food at hackNY

We had the pleasure of welcoming photographer Doug Menuez over the weekend. Doug was onsite the whole weekend documenting hackers for an upcoming project. See more photos from the weekend and follow him on Instagram for more of his work!
Thank you to our awesome judges for thoughtfully evaluating hacker demos, to our partner MLH, and to our sponsors without who this wouldn't be possible: Intel, MongoDB, Quotidian Ventures, a16z, Twilio, and UltraPress.

closing ceremonies at hackNY

All of our submissions and winners are listed on our Devpost. This year we introduced a new prize category: Best Social Good Hack!
First Place - CHEFI
Second Place - Period Peace
Third Place - Monopose
Our top three hacks will present at the New York Tech Alliance in May!
Best Social Good Hack - CleanHood
Most Technical - InSight
Best Hack Design - Nerve-hackNY
Best Hack Using an NYC API - ManSplainer
Best First Hack - Mimic
Best Use of MongoDB - CleanHood
Best Use of Twilio - Period Peace
#HackHarassment - goodbot
Best Domain Name from Domain.com - Period Peace
Best Use of AWS - CHEFI

Announcing the Class of 2017 hackNY Fellows!


Announcing the Spring 2017 hackNY Student Hackathon Judges